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5 Proven Parenting Tips for Remote Learning, 3rd one is the best!!!

Parenting Tips for Remote Learning

Remote Learning – has become the most important part of 2020. 

Not Just kids, but amid the covid-19, remote learning has become an integral part of our personal as well as professional lives. When schools and daycares were shut down in March, no one assumed it would last so long! Remote learning and Covid-19, together, have hit the kids with a slew of unresolved emotions.

While schools around the nation have been back in session for a few weeks, and some even longer, it can help parents regularly take a step back and assess how it’s going so far especially if your child has taken part in virtual learning or a combination of online classes and in-person school attendance a few days a week. 

Children typically are not used to working on computers as adults on the job, remote learning now requires kids to spend much more time on computers than in the past and in a home environment that may not be properly equipped like a classroom thus cultivating Anxiety and Stress in Children and also in Parents. 

Fortunately, remote learning burnout can be resolved or its repercussions can be mitigated.

To encourage the Children and Parents to cope up with Remote learning, here are 5 Methods and ideas that can help parents ensure their children are thriving, even though they are not in a classroom environment: 

  1. Comprehend the needs of your child and experiment with solutions 

Many parents are already taxed from the spring of online learning. But try to demonstrate a positive and healthy attitude, even when it’s difficult. Kids take their cues from you, If you act like online school is horrible and you cant learn from it, they’ll pick up on that. 

Keep motivating and reminding your child that education is important, whether it’s an online way or offline! To help them focus on the positive aspects of the remote school, ask them what they learned, and found interesting after each school day. You should also remind your kid that the situation is temporary and they don’t need to be perfect at online school. 



  1. Optimize their workspace/ Learning space during their remote learning sessions 

 To help them concentrate and get them excited about learning, you can customize their workspace in the following ways:

To make it more fun, decorate their workroom. It doesn’t have to cost extra cash for this. You may, for instance, put your kid’s favorite pictures, artwork, or Post-it notes on their desk with encouraging messages. Only ensure that the additions are not distracting. To that end, eliminate distractions from the child’s room, including toys. To get them excited about school, place school supplies your kid likes in their learning room. 

Observe what makes pay attention to your kids. Try having them in the same space, so they feel more focused and less lonely. However, if that further distracts your kids, separate them if you have space. 

If you have tried your best to make the situation of remote learning better for your child, but still the kid complains, do not force them to like. They would make a perception that you’re ignoring how they feel. Instead, recognize and understand their feeling to help them validate their anxiety and stress. To make them feel lighter, you can spend more time with them, and keep them motivated. 


  1. Take Breaks and develop a routine 

Every Parent must understand that sitting time in front of their computers during their remote learning session doesn’t equal learning time.” In 30-minute intervals, kids usually work better and younger kids probably need to change activities every 15 to 20 minutes to really remain involved. 

For example, You can plan an hour of remote learning, and then make your child take a break, then block in 30 minutes or an hour of wellness, such as yoga or a drive, 

It’s not possible to replace eight to nine hours of school with equal hours in front of Zoom and expect eight hours of concentrated learning to take place. 

Kids benefit from predictability. If children know they’ve expected a certain rhythm for the day, they’ll probably feel less overwhelmed. Sleep and regular mealtimes are crucial to that end. 

  1. Communicate with your child’s teacher regularly.

If you’ve noticed your child is depressed, anxious, or otherwise exhibiting emotional distress, it’s time for a talk with their teacher. Communicating with the teacher helps you understand how well is your child performing at school, also, you can give in your inputs to the teacher on what could be done so that our child remains engaged during the remote learning, after all, you are the first teacher of your little one. 

  1. Divide the tasks into small pieces 

These days, it is easy for anyone to feel frustrated and children are no exception. When children have several things to perform each day, looking at them all together can be overwhelming. 

Instead, it can help to teach kids to break them into smaller tasks so they’re not as daunting, 

For example, if your child needs to read 40 pages for an English assignment, it will help remind them that they only need to read five pages, and then they can take a break and return to it. 

These smaller pieces become a little bit more manageable. 

To conclude, It’s difficult to say, when will remote learning come to an end, but yes, I would say it’s a part of our life’s now. It’s important to enjoy each and every phase in life, so let’s stay energetic and explore this remote learning phase for us and for our kids!

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